How to Offer Discounts to NCDD Members
One of the benefits we offer NCDD members is discounts on a variety of the best trainings, workshops and courses offered in our field.
If you offer an educational program that helps build people’s skills, capacity or knowledge in group process work, providing a discount for NCDD members can help you gain exposure for your program through NCDD’s membership, social media outlets and mailing lists. Here are the steps involved…
1. Name Your Price
Determine the discount you’re able to offer NCDD members on an ongoing basis. The discount should be equivalent to 15% to 20% off the registration rate to be guaranteed posting in the blog. We find that 20% or more gets people’s attention.
Note: If you’d like to offer a one-time discount, skip to step #3!
2. Tell Us About It
Compose a long-term listing for the discounts page here and email it to NCDD managing director Courtney Breese at [email protected]. Your listing should be similar in length (2-4 paragraphs) and content to the listings on that page. Be sure to include:
The discounts page is meant to be general and longer-term, so it doesn’t include specifics about dates and locations for upcoming programs. We’re happy to update your listing as needed; just email your changes to [email protected].
3. Let’s Put It On the Site
Once your listing is added to the discounts page, use the direct-to-blog form here to compose a brief post for NCDD’s Community Blog. Once approved, your blog post will be seen by thousands on the NCDD site, Facebook page, LinkedIn group, and Twitter feed. Think of this as a timely, friendly announcement (as opposed to the more permanent listing on the discounts page), and be as creative as you want. You can tell a story, share a quote from a client or participant, announce where your next training is, etc. Just be sure to mention the discount!
4. Tell Everyone Else
If you’re subscribed to the NCDD Discussion list, feel free to send an announcement to the listserv as well. We also encourage you to add posts to NCDD’s Facebook page, Facebook group, and LinkedIn group.
5. Rinse & Repeat
Repeat steps 3 and 4 (posting to the blog, listserv and social media sites) every once in a while to remind people about your upcoming and ongoing programs. It is okay to post to the blog and listserv every two to three months about the discounts you’re offering, but not more frequently than that.
6. Support NCDD — especially if all this gets you a few registrants
We ask that those of you who are able become Organizational Members of NCDD, and keep your membership dues in good standing (join or renew/upgrade here). Consider also making an annual tax-deductible contribution to NCDD, becoming a sponsor, linking to NCDD from your website, sharing some of our news and event announcements, and finding other ways to support the Coalition. We appreciate and value your support!
If you offer an educational program that helps build people’s skills, capacity or knowledge in group process work, providing a discount for NCDD members can help you gain exposure for your program through NCDD’s membership, social media outlets and mailing lists. Here are the steps involved…
1. Name Your Price
Determine the discount you’re able to offer NCDD members on an ongoing basis. The discount should be equivalent to 15% to 20% off the registration rate to be guaranteed posting in the blog. We find that 20% or more gets people’s attention.
Note: If you’d like to offer a one-time discount, skip to step #3!
2. Tell Us About It
Compose a long-term listing for the discounts page here and email it to NCDD managing director Courtney Breese at [email protected]. Your listing should be similar in length (2-4 paragraphs) and content to the listings on that page. Be sure to include:
- A brief description of your organization
- Titles, brief descriptions and typical fees for the programs you’re offering discounts on (be specific; general marketing language won’t stand out to NCDDers)
- Details on the amount of the discount for NCDD members and how people can register/purchase with the discount
- A link to more info and/or the name and email of a person to contact
- A logo or image we can use
The discounts page is meant to be general and longer-term, so it doesn’t include specifics about dates and locations for upcoming programs. We’re happy to update your listing as needed; just email your changes to [email protected].
3. Let’s Put It On the Site
Once your listing is added to the discounts page, use the direct-to-blog form here to compose a brief post for NCDD’s Community Blog. Once approved, your blog post will be seen by thousands on the NCDD site, Facebook page, LinkedIn group, and Twitter feed. Think of this as a timely, friendly announcement (as opposed to the more permanent listing on the discounts page), and be as creative as you want. You can tell a story, share a quote from a client or participant, announce where your next training is, etc. Just be sure to mention the discount!
4. Tell Everyone Else
If you’re subscribed to the NCDD Discussion list, feel free to send an announcement to the listserv as well. We also encourage you to add posts to NCDD’s Facebook page, Facebook group, and LinkedIn group.
5. Rinse & Repeat
Repeat steps 3 and 4 (posting to the blog, listserv and social media sites) every once in a while to remind people about your upcoming and ongoing programs. It is okay to post to the blog and listserv every two to three months about the discounts you’re offering, but not more frequently than that.
6. Support NCDD — especially if all this gets you a few registrants
We ask that those of you who are able become Organizational Members of NCDD, and keep your membership dues in good standing (join or renew/upgrade here). Consider also making an annual tax-deductible contribution to NCDD, becoming a sponsor, linking to NCDD from your website, sharing some of our news and event announcements, and finding other ways to support the Coalition. We appreciate and value your support!