2006 NCDD Conference – San Francisco
The third National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation brought 375 people together in downtown San Francisco, California August 4-6, 2006, and it was a great success! Check out the 500+ photos attendees uploaded on Flickr from the conference.
The 2006 NCDD Conference was funded, in part, by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The Whitman Institute, and by leading dialogue and deliberation organizations including the Forum Foundation, the Public Conversations Project and the Study Circles Resource Center (now Everyday Democracy). See below for the full list of the generous organizations and individuals that helped make the 2006 NCDD Conference the amazing event that it was.
Download the 2006 conference guidebook to see descriptions of all the plenary sessions and workshops that were held during the conference, details about the artists who joined us for the weekend and a complete listing of everyone who made the conference possible.
Thank you to our stellar Tech Team! The 2006 conference marked the fist time we attempted to offer access to programming and materials live over the internet, and we did this through the 2006 conference blog. Managed by the fabulous Loretta Donovan of Worksmarts and maintained by a dedicated group of technologists, including Beth Kanter (a non-profit technology consultant) and Chris Heuer (of BrainJam!), the blog offered a peek inside the event for those who couldn’t be there.
Here are some other fun things you can check out…
The 2006 NCDD Conference was funded, in part, by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The Whitman Institute, and by leading dialogue and deliberation organizations including the Forum Foundation, the Public Conversations Project and the Study Circles Resource Center (now Everyday Democracy). See below for the full list of the generous organizations and individuals that helped make the 2006 NCDD Conference the amazing event that it was.
Download the 2006 conference guidebook to see descriptions of all the plenary sessions and workshops that were held during the conference, details about the artists who joined us for the weekend and a complete listing of everyone who made the conference possible.
Thank you to our stellar Tech Team! The 2006 conference marked the fist time we attempted to offer access to programming and materials live over the internet, and we did this through the 2006 conference blog. Managed by the fabulous Loretta Donovan of Worksmarts and maintained by a dedicated group of technologists, including Beth Kanter (a non-profit technology consultant) and Chris Heuer (of BrainJam!), the blog offered a peek inside the event for those who couldn’t be there.
Here are some other fun things you can check out…
Videos from NCDD 2006
View some great footage from NCDD’s 2006 Conference in San Francisco! Check out a high-energy 5-minute piece that gives you a feel for what an NCDD conference is like, and the fabulous people who attend our events. Conference participants can also relive a powerful moment at the San Francisco event – a moving testimonial by participant Machiko Conway as she talks about her memories of Hiroshima on the 61st anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb.
We had the pleasure of working with FAQ Productions, which produced our five-minute overview and videotaped much of the conference. FAQ Productions produces short, personal videos for professionals to use on their websites and over email. These streaming videos highlight the personalities of the professional and their organizations, and are an engaging tool for connecting with clients.
We had the pleasure of working with FAQ Productions, which produced our five-minute overview and videotaped much of the conference. FAQ Productions produces short, personal videos for professionals to use on their websites and over email. These streaming videos highlight the personalities of the professional and their organizations, and are an engaging tool for connecting with clients.
- 5-Minute Conference Overview (on YouTube)
- Machiko Conway Remembers Hiroshima from our Closing Session (on YouTube)
Peace Tiles
Lars Hasselblad Torres of the Peace Tiles Project (along with Nil S. Navaie of Arts for Global Development) was on hand to share his program’s work and to give conference participants the chance to create their own Peace Tiles. He has placed photos on Flickr of the tiles created at conference.
Sponsors and Supporters of the 2006 NCDD Conference
Our sincere thanks to all of the wonderful organizations and individuals listed below, for helping to make the 2006 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation such a success.
The 2006 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation was funded, in part, by The Whitman Institute and the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation.
The Whitman Institute (www.thewhitmaninstitute.org), a private foundation located in San Francisco, is dedicated to exploring, supporting, and promoting ways for people to develop their capacity to think critically and make good decisions.
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (www.hewlett.org) makes grants to address the most serious social and environmental problems facing society, where risk capital, responsibly invested, may make a difference over time. The Foundation places a high value on sustaining and improving institutions that make positive contributions to society.
The Whitman Institute (www.thewhitmaninstitute.org), a private foundation located in San Francisco, is dedicated to exploring, supporting, and promoting ways for people to develop their capacity to think critically and make good decisions.
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (www.hewlett.org) makes grants to address the most serious social and environmental problems facing society, where risk capital, responsibly invested, may make a difference over time. The Foundation places a high value on sustaining and improving institutions that make positive contributions to society.
Co-Sponsors – donated $5,000
The Forum Foundation – www.forumfoundation.org
Founded in 1970 as a non-profit educational research foundation, the Forum Foundation conducts futures research in the field of Administrative Theory and Many-to-Many Communication technology to discover those dynamics which tend to move organizations and institutions, universally, toward solving their problems and anticipating or adapting to changes in their internal or external environment. Go to forumfoundation.org to learn more about the Forum Foundation and their Fast Forum® groupware technique using an “Opinionnaire®” and “Viewpaper®.”A note from John Spady, Director of Research of the Forum Foundation:
Founded in 1970 as a non-profit educational research foundation, the Forum Foundation conducts futures research in the field of Administrative Theory and Many-to-Many Communication technology to discover those dynamics which tend to move organizations and institutions, universally, toward solving their problems and anticipating or adapting to changes in their internal or external environment. Go to forumfoundation.org to learn more about the Forum Foundation and their Fast Forum® groupware technique using an “Opinionnaire®” and “Viewpaper®.”A note from John Spady, Director of Research of the Forum Foundation:
My father, Richard Spady, and The Forum Foundation, have agreed to CO-SPONSOR the 2006 conference of the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation. It is an honor for us to be able to provide NCDD with this level of commitment. We strongly support the goals and mission of NCDD, and we challenge other civic-minded individuals and institutions to increase their financial support both for this conference and for the organization. We need dialogue and deliberation in our many institutions and across our one common world; we need NCDD.
The National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation – www.ncdd.org
NCDD brings together and supports people, organizations, and resources in ways that expand the power of discussion to benefit society. Founded in 2002 after the first National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation was held in Alexandria, Virginia, NCDD is a vibrant network of 1,500 organizations and individuals who, collectively, regularly engage and mobilize millions of people across the globe around today’s critical issues. NCDD’s national conferences and resource-rich website are crucial to the development of this emerging field of practice.
Dialogue and deliberation are powerful group processes that help people bridge gaps, make better decisions, take collective action, resolve conflict and become more active citizens. NCDD provides resources and networking opportunities for a growing community of practice dedicated to solving group and societal problems through honest talk, quality thinking and collaborative action.
NCDD brings together and supports people, organizations, and resources in ways that expand the power of discussion to benefit society. Founded in 2002 after the first National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation was held in Alexandria, Virginia, NCDD is a vibrant network of 1,500 organizations and individuals who, collectively, regularly engage and mobilize millions of people across the globe around today’s critical issues. NCDD’s national conferences and resource-rich website are crucial to the development of this emerging field of practice.
Dialogue and deliberation are powerful group processes that help people bridge gaps, make better decisions, take collective action, resolve conflict and become more active citizens. NCDD provides resources and networking opportunities for a growing community of practice dedicated to solving group and societal problems through honest talk, quality thinking and collaborative action.
Partners – donated $2,000
The Public Conversations Project – www.publicconversations.org
The Public Conversations Project (PCP) helps people with fundamental disagreements over divisive issues develop the mutual understanding and trust essential for strong communities and positive action. PCP’s mission is to foster a more inclusive, empathic and collaborative society by promoting constructive conversations and relationships among those who have differing values, world views, and positions about divisive public issues.
The Study Circles Resource Center – www.studycircles.org (now Everyday-Democracy.org)
The Study Circles Resource Center is the primary project of The Paul J. Aicher Foundation, a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. We help communities develop their own ability to solve problems by bringing lots of people together in dialogue across divides of race, income, age, and political viewpoints. The center works with neighborhoods, cities and towns, regions, and states, paying particular attention to the racial and ethnic dimensions of the problems they address.
Supporters – provided significant in-kind donations and support
Contributors to the Scholarship Fund
The Public Conversations Project (PCP) helps people with fundamental disagreements over divisive issues develop the mutual understanding and trust essential for strong communities and positive action. PCP’s mission is to foster a more inclusive, empathic and collaborative society by promoting constructive conversations and relationships among those who have differing values, world views, and positions about divisive public issues.
The Study Circles Resource Center – www.studycircles.org (now Everyday-Democracy.org)
The Study Circles Resource Center is the primary project of The Paul J. Aicher Foundation, a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. We help communities develop their own ability to solve problems by bringing lots of people together in dialogue across divides of race, income, age, and political viewpoints. The center works with neighborhoods, cities and towns, regions, and states, paying particular attention to the racial and ethnic dimensions of the problems they address.
Supporters – provided significant in-kind donations and support
- AmericaSpeaks – www.americaspeaks.org
- Bay Area Nonviolent Communication – www.baynvc.org
- Conflict Resolution Program of the American Friends Service Committee – www.afsc.org/nymetro/conflictresolution/
- Conversation Café – www.conversationcafe.org
- FAQ Productions – www.faqproductions.com
- Global Dialogue Center – www.globaldialoguecenter.com
- Global Facilitators Service Corps – www.globalfacilitators.org
- Lafayette Bookstore – www.lafayettebookstore.com
- The Institute on the Common Good at Regis University – www.icgregis.org
- The Kettering Foundation and the National Issues Forum Institute – www.kettering.org
- Sally Mahe, United Religions Initiative – www.uri.org
- Palma Strand, The Arlington Forum – www.arlingtonforum.org
- The World Café – www.theworldcafe.com
- Yes! Magazine – www.yesmagazine.org
Contributors to the Scholarship Fund
- Susan Stuart Clark, Executive Director of Common Knowledge
- John L. Johnson, Executive Director of Hampton, Virginia Citizens’ Unity Commission
- Jessy Keiser, Organization Development Practice Leader at Kaiser Permanente
- Debbe Kennedy, Global Dialogue Center and Leadership Solutions Companies
- Sharda Miller, University of Creation Spirituality and The Listening Path
- Ted Thomas, President of the James P. Grant Trust for International Social Development
- Lars Torres, AmericaSpeaks
- Laura Wells, Green Party State Controller Candidate