Our 2010 All-Star Sponsors
NCDD is grateful to our All-Star Sponsors for contributing to the success of all our 2010 regional events!
AmericaSpeaks reinvigorates American Democracy by engaging citizens in the public decision-making that most impacts their lives. in June 2010, AmericaSpeaks convened a national discussion on the country’s fiscal future, engaging 3,500 people across 19 cities and at 40 volunteer-organized community conversations around the U.S. to find common ground on tough choices about our federal budget. www.americaspeaks.org
Citizens in Charge Foundation is a national organization dedicated to the belief that citizens should be in charge of their government. The Foundation works with activists, legislators, media, opinion leaders and voters to protect the initiative & referendum process in the 24 states where it exists, and to expand the process to states currently lacking the initiative. www.citizensinchargefoundation.org
The National Conference of State Legislatures is a bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staffs of the nation’s 50 states, its commonwealths and territories. NCSL provides research, technical assistance and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas on the most pressing state issues. www.ncsl.org
The Public Conversations Project (PCP) is a Boston-based nonprofit that promotes dialogue and fosters relationships between people on opposing sides of divisive public issues. PCP’s dialogue process encourages curiosity, demands genuine listening, and aims to build mutual understanding. The organization supports dialogue by facilitating groups, training others in the art of facilitation, and providing consultation to individuals and organizations engaged in conflict. www.publicconversations.org
A national leader in the field of civic participation and community change, Everyday Democracy helps people of different backgrounds and views talk and work together to solve problems and create communities that work for everyone. Using innovative, participatory approaches, Everyday Democracy works with neighborhoods, cities and towns, regions, and states. We place particular emphasis on the connection between complex public issues and structural racism.www.everyday-democracy.org
The University of Mass. Boston’s Office of Public Collaboration (MODR) is a statutory state institute at UMass Boston that functions as a neutral forum and state-wide resource for public policy dispute resolution and collaborative governance. MODR builds capacity for conflict resolution and prevention and facilitates collaboration and consensus-building within public entities and across sectors state-wide. MODR works with government agencies, courts, businesses, non-profits and citizen groups to address complex issues related to economic development, environmental resource management, land use, agriculture, transportation, housing, health care and other important community objectives. www.umb.edu/modr/
Public Agenda, an innovative public opinion research and public engagement organization, works to strengthen our democracy’s capacity to tackle tough public policy issues. Our efforts, including the Center for Advances in Public Engagement (CAPE), are all focused on ensuring that the public’s views are represented in decision-making. Nonpartisan and nonprofit, Public Agenda was founded by social scientist and author Daniel Yankelovich and former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance in 1975, to re-engage the public on important public matters, to allow different groups to be heard and work together on solutions. www.publicagenda.org
Democrasoft is a leading provider of innovation in social collaboration and voting platforms for building successful online communities. With a focus on implementing solutions to build better relationships, identify obstacles, and create actionable, quantifiable outcomes that get results, Democrasoft provides everything you need to leverage the power of a well-engaged group. Democrasoft offers hosted, web-based solutions that “reach-in” to internal groups to promote collaboration and streamline decision-making, and “reach-out” to external audiences to enhance customer relationships, identify market opportunities and provide valuable customer insight and feedback. www.democrasoft.com
Active Voice uses film, television and multimedia to spark social change from grassroots to grass tops. Our team of strategic communications specialists works with mediamakers, funders, advocates and thought leaders to put a human face on the issues of our times. Since our inception in 2001, Active Voice has built a diverse portfolio of story-based campaigns focusing on issues including immigration, criminal justice, healthcare and sustainability. www.activevoice.net
PMLINK 360 is a web development company building web solutions for any industry that can benefit from stakeholder management software. We developed a stakeholder management system to help companies manage stakeholder interaction, increase efficiencies and streamline communications, enabling projects to be delivered on-time, on-budget and in-compliance with industry regulations. We adhere to methodologies based on simple, clean design, scalable database schema and easy, intuitive user-interface design. www.pmlink360.com
The League of Extraordinary Trainers are eight highly seasoned practitioners who have designed and presented some of the most powerful and recognized training in public participation, collaboration, consensus, high stakes communication, and facilitation in the world today. The League (known initially as the US Trainers’ Consortium, which was the official sponsor for the regional events) are practice leaders, developers and founders of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) and its spectrum, principles and ethics. www.extraordinarytrainers.com
To learn more about all of our local Sponsors and Partners, visit the event pages by clicking on the city links at the top of the page.