The Not in Our Town Quick Start Guide: Working together for safe, inclusive communities, was created by Not in Our Town (NIOT) and updated March 2013. The guide gives five steps to begin a campaign in your town or school to stop hate, address bullying, and build safer communities together. Below is an excerpt from the guide, which can be downloaded from NIOT’s site here or at the link at the bottom of the page. From the guide… You may be someone who is concerned about divisions in your neighborhood or school, or you may live in a community that has experienced hate-based threats or violence. Even just one individual or a small group can start a movement to stand up to hate. Not In Our Town is a program for people and communities working together to stop hate, address school bullying and build safe, inclusive environments for all. This quick guide provides steps for starting a Not In Our Town campaign that fits your local needs. The ideas in this guide came from people in communities like yours who wanted to do something about hate and intolerance. Their successful efforts have been a shining light for the Not In Our Town movement. Guiding Principles: The steps that follow align with these core ideas…
Steps for Starting a Not in Our Town Campaign: Step 1: Map out your allies Think big, but don’t be afraid to start small. Change can start with a handful of people. But creating broad-based support will not only help your campaign, it will pave the way for deeper connections throughout your town or city. Whether you have an existing group or are creating a new one, do an inventory of the people and organizations who support diversity, want to foster inclusion, and who may share your concerns about hate activity. Be sure to reach out to community groups that represent the targets of hate. Step 2: Convene a meeting to launch efforts Arrange an initial meeting with the above groups and individuals. Develop an agenda that allows time for introductions and getting to know each other. Acknowledge that standing up to hate and fostering inclusion is a long-term problem that takes time, but there may be some issues that need swift action. Discuss how to build and maintain an ongoing group that suits local needs, keeps everyone informed, and allows for meaningful participation for everyone. Then, get busy. Step 3: Identify issue(s) of highest concern Every Not In Our Town campaign takes on the characteristics of the community and responds to local issues and needs. Hate and intolerance take on many forms, and your first meeting is likely to surface one or more issues of concern. Is it racism, religious intolerance, sexual orientation bias, bullying in schools? What group is most affected by these acts of hate? What can the group do about it together? Who are the key leaders of the affected groups? How can they be included in the group planning? Step 4: Make your values visible develop an inclusive community-based action plan Create a plan to respond to the issues of highest concern in your community. You may adapt one or more ideas for your group:
For examples from the Not In Our Town movement, including videos, how-to's and sample materials, see accompanying guide, “Ten Ideas for Sparking Action in Your Town.” Step 5: Analyze success, connect, and learn from others Talk to each other and your community about what’s working and what isn’t, what to do next time, and how to resolve any conflicts that arose between group members. Change is hard, and disagreements are inevitable, but they can be worked out if people commit to long-term, agreed upon goals. Don’t forget to publicize and document your efforts so the ideas can spread and help recruit new community members. Take photos, film interviews, write articles and collect materials to share with the Not In Our Town community around the world. Email items to [email protected] for inclusion on Map your story here: On, you can share your successes, challenges and your town’s story, and connect and learn from others. About Not in Our Town
Not In Our Town is a movement to stop hate, address bullying, and build safe, inclusive communities for all. Not In Our Town films, new media, and organizing tools help local leaders build vibrant, diverse cities and towns, where everyone can participate. Our unique approach is based on the premise that real change takes place at the local level. We focus on solutions to inspire and empower communities to create a world where:
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